George McCranie Law Firm


202 W Park Ave
Valdosta, GA 31602
Phone: (229) 213-8176
Secondary phone: (229) 232-4114

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Monday8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday8:30 AM - 5:30 PM


criminal defense lawyer in ValdostaAs a criminal defense lawyer in Valdosta, I understand how criminal charges can seriously impact your future. If you are facing either misdemeanor or felony charges, it’s vital to present the best possible defenses. Learn more about our practice and Georgia criminal defense below.

Aggressive Representation in Criminal Defense Cases

We handle a wide variety of criminal defense matters — from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies. We currently defend clients against charges involving:

  • DUI and CDL DUI,
  • Drug crimes,
  • Federal crimes,
  • Military crimes,
  • Marijuana offenses,
  • Probation violations,
  • Suspended licenses, and
  • Theft and burglary.

We also handle a limited number of Georgia expungement claims.

DUI and CDL DUI Defense

In Valdosta (and all of Georgia), you can be guilty of a DUI if either:

  • A law enforcement officer determines you were driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or
  • Have a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher.

Typically, an officer will attempt field sobriety tests to determine your level of impairment. If you are arrested for a DUI, it’s important to understand your legal rights. For example, while refusing a blood-alcohol test will result in an one year suspension of your driver’s license, you do not have to perform other field sobriety tests.

Georgia DUI convictions involve serious penalties, including fines, jail time, public service, driver’s license suspension, and installation of an ignition interlock system. If you were convicted of a DUI while operating a commercial vehicle, you may face a lifetime suspension of your CDL. And, higher BAC levels can significantly increase your potential sentence.

Georgia Drug Crimes

Georgia imposes strict penalties for most drug possession, manufacturing, and trafficking crimes. (You may also face federal criminal charges.) While Georgia’s accountability courts (or drug courts) offer some first time offenders alternatives to incarceration (such as drug abuse counseling), a felony drug conviction can lead to decades of jail time, massive fines,  and other penalties.

Federal and Military Crimes

In addition to state charges, we handle federal and military criminal defense. Federal and military courts have their own unique rules and procedures. Our criminal defense lawyer in Valdosta can help you understand your rights and available defenses.

Marijuana Offenses

State marijuana laws differ greatly — and change frequently. While possession of small amounts of marijuana is a misdemeanor in Georgia, most marijuana crimes are still felonies. Georgia also allows use of medical marijuana in a very limited number of circumstances. If you have been charged with a marijuana-related crime, you should take these charges seriously. Contact our criminal defense lawyer in Valdosta for more information and an evaluation of your case.

Probation Violations

If you violate the terms of your probation, you may face serious jail time and other penalties. However, the terms of your probation may be complicated and seem impossible to meet. We can help you understand your probation requirements and help you avoid jail time if you commit a probation violation.

Suspended Licenses

Without a driver’s license, most people in Lowndes County would struggle to keep their jobs, attend classes, and perform other daily activities. However, certain offenses (such as refusing a blood-alcohol test) involve an automatic suspension of your driver’s license. Our criminal defense lawyer in Valdosta can help you appeal your suspension and fight for reinstatement.

Theft and Burglary

While most people think theft, robbery, and burglary are the same crime, they each have different requirements and penalties. You commit a theft when you take something from another person with the intent to permanently deprive them of their property. Burglary occurs when you break and enter a dwelling or retail business with the intent to commit a theft. While some thefts are a misdemeanor, burglaries are typically felonies. If you need help understanding the nuances of Georgia’s property-related crimes, contact our criminal defense lawyer in Valdosta.

You Deserve Personalized Attention and Legal Strategies.

Every single criminal defense case is different. Our clients receive personalized attention and defense strategies that are tailored to their circumstances and needs. We fully prepare every case for trial — but will also  aggressively negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf. (Sometimes, you may be able to negotiate a reduced sentence or avoid jail time through a diversion program.) Moreover, most importantly, our team will inform you about your rights and options — ensuring that you have the information you need to make educated decisions.

Speak With Our Criminal Defense Lawyer in Valdosta

A criminal defense lawyer in Valdosta can help you protect your constitutional rights and present the best possible defense. The George McCranie Law Firm is one of Georgia’s premier criminal defense practices. Contact us for a confidential case evaluation today. 

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